miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Results: Will or Environment?

These days, I'm putting a lot of emphasis on things like high-end
programs and thinking big. For me, and for those in my Marketing
Mastery Program, this has yielded some amazing results.

When I was looking at the monthly report of one of my Mastery
participants, I saw that she had more than tripled her income in
just one year.

In the course of the program, three people have completed books,
while others have sold programs at a higher rate than ever before.
And most are looking at their businesses in a completely new way.

Do you want big results in your business?

Actually, we all say we want big results. But then we get stopped,
over and over again. We think we are stopped by circumstances,
by other people, by bad timing and bad luck.

This is never the case. We only stop ourselves.

What is observably true is that we let ourselves be triggered by
circumstances. We have an idea, a goal, a plan and we start to
put things into action. And then something happens.

A teleclass gets poor results, or someone doesn't return a call, or
a new service you developed generates very little interest or
response. Those are the triggers.

What gets triggered are thoughts and emotions.

And when a trigger happens, you can go in one of two directions:
You can become identified with the thoughts and emotions or you
can dis-identify with the thoughts or emotions.

Identification: "Nobody is interested in what I have, I'm a terrible
marketer, I'll never make this work. Why did I bother to try this
in the first place? There's no way it will ever work."

We've all been there; and we can get stuck there for a long time.

Dis-Identification: "That's interesting that I didn't get the
response I wanted. I need to find out more about what happened.
Is it the message I sent out? Perhaps it's the timing? Let me take
a closer look at my plan and the letter, make some changes and
give it another try."

From this place, we're back on the horse in minutes.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? It's not!

Unfortunately, most of those triggers are hard-wired. Something
happens that opposes your plans and, before you know it, you're
upset and ready to give up. It wasn't a conscious choice, but an
automatic reaction.

To dis-identify from our triggers takes a tremendous amount of
intentional, conscious work. It takes stopping and thinking instead
of reacting. It means taking responsibility instead of blaming. It
takes focus and waking up instead of falling asleep.

But if it's so hard, is there a way to actually do it?

Someone once said: "Environment is stronger than will."

Our wills are pathetically weak. We try to dis-identify when we are
triggered, but we are so trained to identify that it usually takes
tremendous effort and endless repetition to get past old patterns
that hold us back.

So good luck with the "WILL approach"!

What makes the biggest difference for most of us is a change of
environment. And there are many ways to do this. A change of
environment can mean adopting different systems, the support of
others, individual coaching, or group programs.

Different Systems

Think of a recipe. If I asked you to bake a chocolate cake from
scratch, you'd probably end up with an icky, inedible mess. A
recipe creates a new environment - a time-tested path to success.
Follow the chocolate cake recipe and, with a little experience,
you'll have a delicious cake to show for your efforts.

This is the purpose of the Marketing Club, for instance. It's full of
time-tested marketing recipes that you can easily follow.

Support of Others

Support can provide methodologies, such as recipes, but can also
provide the emotional support to keep you going despite the
triggers. "Yeah, I've been there before. It's discouraging when a
marketing approach doesn't work. But maybe it just needs some
fine tuning. Let's look at the possibilities."

Mastermind groups are great for this. I'm always in a mastermind
group that gives me frequent reality checks.

Individual Coaching

Working with a guide who is committed to your aim and who is
not identified with your triggers is also a powerful way to go. You
still need recipes, the how-tos for producing results, but a coach
can keep putting you on the right path.

Group Programs

These are my favorite, because they combine all of the above.
They provide the how-to recipes, the support and the coaching.
I've found that a good group program can get you thinking big
and make sure you follow-through on your dreams.

Which approach will you choose? Here are three options:

Marketing Club: http://www.actionplan.com/actionplanclub.html

Marketing Mastery: http://www.actionplan.com/mp_02.html

Big Shift Experience: http://www.thebigshiftexperience.com/actionplan


The More Clients Bottom Line: Getting triggered when you fail to
reach your goals is a given. It happens to everyone. To dis-
identify with the triggers you need to understand your limitations
and change your environment to one where you get the support
and systems needed to stay on track.

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