viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales

by Ali Brown

Thought about adding audio to your Web site yet? You should. While great copy does a good job of selling your services and products, audio will amplify the effect of your words.

I love doing slick videos too, but audios are so easy and quick!

Audio gives you a personal connection with your Web visitors. Social psychologists tell us that humans are more likely to trust you if they can both see you and hear you. And prospects are more likely to buy from those whom they feel they know, like, and trust.

So let's think about how you can build that instant rapport with your prospects (AND boost your subscribers and sales to boot)!

What Could YOU Do With Audio?

There are unlimited possibilities of what can be done with audio on Web sites and in e-mail, but here are seven simple ideas to get you started.

1. Greet Your Website Visitors. Welcome visitors to your Web site with your own voice. It's a much warmer welcome than text alone.

IMPORTANT: Don't just say "welcome" (yawn). Drive them to taking action, like signing up for your free ezine or special report.

2. Create an Audio Class or a Series of Audio Lessons. Audio learning is still hot! Teach your audience via your voice instead of just words on the page. Think about developing a series of mini-audio lessons for your prospects.

3. Share Your Interviews. If you don't have an interview clip already, ask a friend or colleague to conduct a short, dynamic interview with you via phone. Record it and post it at your Web site. Or, do a series of interviews with other experts in your field and post them at your site to be listened to.

4. Samples of Teleseminars. Want more signups for your free and/or paid teleseminars? Then start recording them. Pull out the highlights and post free clips of them at your Web site. (I'm in the process of doing this myself.)

5. Pump Up Your Testimonials. You probably already have customer testimonials on your site. Now amplify their impact with audio. Have your customers record their testimonials in their own voices, and post them on your site along with their names and photos.

6. Make Your E-mails and E-zines Talk. Liven up your e-mails by making them talk to your prospects, subscribers, and customers. The members on your lists will feel like you are right there with them. (And remember, it will be that personal connection that encourages people to hire you or buy your products.) Be the first in your industry to do this, and watch your numbers rise!

7. Audio Postcards. Reach out to your best customers and prospects for holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions by sending them an e-mail "postcard" accompanied with a personally recorded message.

So What's the EASIEST Way to Post Audio?

In the past, adding audio to your site wasn't that easy. You had to either spend hours learning how to do it yourself, or pay someone else to record it and host it for you. That's why I was never interested in audio before.

Here's the good news: There's a program we use that makes recording and posting audio ridiculously easy. It's called Audio Acrobat.

Here's an example of how easy it is: Say you want to add an audio greeting to your site this afternoon. Just call Audio Acrobat's toll-free hot line and record your message. Then, as soon as you hang up the phone, go log into their site. Ta da ... your message is ready and waiting, with a line of HTML code for you to copy and paste on your home page.

That's it!

Even better, you can do this an unlimited number of times and have unlimited clips on your site (or multiple sites). You can also upload digital audio files up to a few hours in length, which I do now for all my teleseminars. This way people don't have to download any MP3 files -- they just click and listen right from the web page.

Get the full story, and see (and hear) my own audio testimonial at the Audio Acrobat site.

Remember, It's That Personal Connection That Matters

Take some time today to think about what YOU could do with audio at your site and in your e-mails to increase rapport with your visitors. Then choose at least one tactic to implement this month. It could be the best addition you've made to your online marketing efforts this year!

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