Some of you may be wondering, "Why do I need a bonus? Isn't my offer good enough?"
It may be perfectly fine on its own, but bonuses generally cost very little to produce and add great perceived value to your offer. Plus, they are great tools for inspiring people to take action on the spot. Additionally, if you have been invited to speak on a larger stage, sometimes you have to split your sales with the promoter of the event. If your initial offer does not provide enough value to warrant a higher investment, your profit could be small. Lastly, bonuses give you the opportunity to over-deliver and provide "bonus" value that will help your client be more successful using your work. Providing that extra support is ultimately a bonus to both you and your clients.
So here are five of my favorite ways to add juicy bonuses so that your offers are truly irresistible!
1. Little Cost, High Value
Info products, such as CDs, DVDs, ebooks, workbooks, teleseminars and webinars, are great bonuses because they cost little to develop and you can sell them at a very high price. You want to ask yourself:
"What can I create that will cost me very little
but has a high perceived value?"
For years, The Invisible Close was only offered as an ebook. But I realized that it would be helpful to hear my voice, so I promoted a five-session teleseries called "The Invisible Close Take Action Now TeleBootcamp" to my subscribers for $197, and a handful made the investment. I answered the most pressing questions and covered the most important points from the book. When the series was over, we edited the CDs, added a little music and bundled it together with The Invisible Close as the audio tutorial. To take that one step further, we started shipping it as a physical product, which includes the book, five-CD audio tutorial and a PowerPoint template to create your own order forms! People love the PowerPoint bonus because they can get their own order forms created quickly and easily.
2. Give People What They Want
When deciding what bonuses to create, pay attention to what people are asking of you.
During the teleseminar series I produced last year with Ali Brown, she suggested two possible approaches for determining natural bonuses for your packages.
- Write down the most common questions your clients ask. Then, answer the top 10 of them in an audio or special report.
- What is the hottest topic for your clients? Do a simple video about that topic.
3. No Fluff
I am really passionate about creating irresistible offers that aren't full of fluff, meaning you haven't thrown in a bunch of unrelated products just to make it look like "a lot." When you're putting your packages together, keep your bundles tight and related. And keep these two principles in mind:
- Each bonus item should have a perceived value that increases the value of the total package.
- The freebie should be something that will help the prospect succeed and that they likely would have paid for eventually anyway. For example, if they're buying a product about how to sell info products, they would probably get huge value from a bonus about how to grow their ezine subscriber list.
4. Let Little Soldiers March for You
There's another category of bonuses that I call "little soldiers." These guys are bonuses for you because they're your feet on the street, promoting you.
They are things like free reports or a CD that someone who just invested in your package can pass along to a friend. For instance, if you're doing a free preview call to promote a product, you can include a copy of it in the package and label it, "Feel free to share this with a friend!"
5. Just Get Started
And finally, let me put this out there so there's no mystery for anyone whose business is based on a coaching model. For years, I worked four days a week and generated a six-figure income offering the following packages whenever I spoke:
- My $97 ebook.
- A strategy session with me for $250 with the ebook as a bonus.
- Three months of coaching for $1,900 with the ebook as a bonus.
As you can see, I used my ebook as the bonus for my coaching packages. So, don't feel that you have to create a whole library of products before you start making irresistible offers when you speak. Just add those juicy bonuses and get started!
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