viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

5 Steps to Cure Online Marketing Overwhelm

Clients often tell me they feel overwhelmed by marketing
online. Sometimes they don't know how to get started. They
aren't sure they're taking the right steps and they're
wondering if they are using their time and money as
effectively as possible. Those who dive into marketing often
acknowledge that it's hard to tell if they're moving in the
right direction.

Here are 5 simple steps you can use to get started.

(1) What are you marketing?

This step seems surprisingly simple, but often I have to ask
a client, "What do you want to sell? Coaching services?
Group coaching? An info product?" The more specific you can
be, the better.

(2) What results are you seeking?

Do you want to increase sales, attract more clients or gain
more visibility? Are you looking for more traffic, more
conversions, or both?

(3) What ONE goal would make most sense for you?

Overwhelm usually happens when we try to accomplish several
goals at once. Surprisingly, when you work hard on one goal,
you will also find yourself moving ahead on other goals
automatically. Increase conversions and you'll increase
traffic, and vice versa.

By way of analogy, if you've ever exercised with a trainer,
you were probably told, "It's hard to isolate a muscle. When
you're enjoying a complete workout, you will see results in
muscle groups you haven't consciously worked on." Same here.

(4) What ONE technique will get you started?

Let's say you want to drive more traffic to your website.
Will you use search engine optimization, google adwords,
article marketing, or advertising? Can social marketing

Pick just one technique and take the firehose approach. If
you've chosen article marketing, pledge to send out at least
one article a day -- maybe even 5 a day. You'll get better.
You'll write faster. And most likely you'll start seeing

The trickle-down method (an article or two a week) will lead
to frustration. Go for the firehouse.

(5) How will you track results?

You'll notice some articles get picked up and placed all
over the Internet, while others seem to become pumpkins as
soon as they're written. Some blog posts get tweeted and
shared; others get ignored.

Some people get great results from articles. Others find
they do better with adwords, blogging or even paid ads in
other ezines.

That's part of the fun: learning what works and what
doesn't. And if you keep asking these questions, you'll get
past overwhelm and get some serious marketing done.

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